Finally, I bought my first digital SLR camera! If you know me, you know I love pictures. I carry my handy-dandy
Casio Exilim digital camera with me everywhere. There are things happening around us all the time, and I want to be prepared to capture it!
I know a few photographers and I am always so envious and inspired by their work. I've taken a couple photography classes back in high school, you know, the black bags and dark room type class. I really enjoyed it, but at the time, my focus was on graduating, and then college. Fast-forward to now, I find myself being the go-to person in my family for pictures and my desire for photography has resurfaced. Of course, right now it's just for fun. I need to get the hang of it again and get to know my camera. So don't mind me if you see me snapping away...I'm just trying to find my flow.
Here are some random pictures I took this weekend. I'm sure my family (especially my nieces and nephew) are tired of me taking pictures already, but they'll thank me 20 years from now when they get to look back at all these memories.
I can always count on Jenny to be my muse.

Tates loves her some chocolate.

Janelle is so fresh and so clean...clean...