Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello There, New Furniture

I decided to take the camera out and at least attempt to capture my move. I actually unpacked most of my boxes! It's a great achievement, really. This was the key chain the gave me when I picked up my keys.

This weekend was a success! I knew I had to go to IKEA to get some starter furniture, so I made sure to search their website before going. If I didn't know that, I would have been all over the place. I knew I had to go in there with a plan of attack. I had an idea of what I wanted to buy, I knew the color wood I was looking for, and I had a list of specific items with product name and bin number (yes, they give you that information online!). I wrote it all in my handy dandy moving notebook. :)

Once at IKEA, I reach in my purse for my notebook, and realize I left it on my coffee table (a.k.a. plastic storage Tupperware thingy). But I wasn't worried because I remembered the color and somewhat remembered the items I wanted to see.

I came out a winner!! Got myself a new side table, coffee table (a real one!), and a kick-ass TV stand. I also got a few other things. You know that area after the show rooms and before the self-serve area? Where they have all the fun stuff to shop for? Yeah, I got myself a few kitchen supplies, wall decals, and a few other things.

I leave you all with a picture of these cute little chocolate truffles I scarfed down the other night. I got them as a gift for my birthday. Aren't they cute?!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm Home!

That's right ladies and gents, I'm officially moved in and it feels great! I wish had some pictures to share, but I didn't take any. I was too busy packing, loading, unloading, and unpacking. It's such a relief to be done with the big stuff. I still have some unpacking to do but I'm pretty much settled in.

Things I learned over the past couple days:
  1. Just because you buy an HD Television, doesn't mean you have HD cable.
  2. You'll get charged a $30.00 fee, plus $4.00 a gallon for gas IF you don't refill the U-Haul gas tank. Thank goodness for the kind employees at U-Haul for letting me take the truck back to fill it up, saving me the fee plus ridic price for a gallon!
  3. Have an internet network name ready before the internet/cable guy comes. Otherwise, you'll be sitting there for tens of minutes trying to figure out a clever name and all he'll be thinking is how much of a fool you are.
  4. Make sure you know where to throw the garbage and recycling.
  5. Boxes make great interim tables!
Stay tuned for more lessons learned!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Break Time a.k.a. Procastinating

I've dedicated today to all things packing. I've packed a box here and there, but today everything should be done. I've been anticipating my move weekend for a while now, and now it's quickly approaching. I have a business trip to go to before my move, hence the need to pack everything now so I don't need to worry about it when I get back.

I've settled my cable/internet issue! I was so frustrated that I just made up my mind to get Comcast. I was all excited when I was filling out my information and then I ran into a problem that blew my mind. Apparently, Comcast does not service my area. What?! I couldn't believe and I had to call for a serviceability request. A day later, the confirmed that they don't service my building. Aren't they one of the biggest, if not the biggest, cable provider?! Anywho, I ended up signing up for Astound, which is a local cable provider. I'll have to get used to the channels because I'm used the Comcast channel numbers, but Astound is cheaper than Comcast and it's not like I'll get a lesser quality of the networks.

I still have to get a U-Haul. Buy a TV and buy a sofa in the next week. Ambitious of me huh? Of maybe incredibly dumb for getting all the 'big stuff' at once. That's just how I am though. I hate having to wait for things. I want everything in my new place right when I move. That's going to cause a major dent in my bank account. Probably more like a collision.

I still need to make an IKEA trip too, because, well, it's required. You always have to do an IKEA trip when moving. Regardless if you need something or not. I like looking at the showrooms for ideas. IKEA can wait a couple weeks though.

The buzzer of the dryer marks the end of my break time. My next post might be from the comfort of my new place, stay tuned!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

About a month since my last post. How wonderful of me, aye? I do have a valid excuse, a few of them to be exact. I've been really busy and out of town a lot. But I won't get into that.

I'm a bit frustrated. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm moving. In preparation for this big move, I've been researching cable and internet service. Can someone please explain why it's so darn expensive? I've already decided that I don't need a telephone line since I already use my cell phone as my main number. I've come to accept the price for cable, although I do think it would be better if we can pick and choose what channels we want and pay for those only, but I digress. Internet. The service provider I've been looking at charges a monthly charge. Okay I get it. But in order to actually get internet, you need a modem AND a wireless router? They charge you a monthly charge if you decide to use their equipment or you spend hella money to buy your own. I just don't get it. You'd think that would have some easier way (cheaper way) to connect to the internet now a days.

So, thinking I was clever, I thought I could skip the whole internet service for my new place and just get a internet card, since I only have a laptop anyways. I've seen people use those to connect to the internet from airports, cafes, etc. So why couldn't I use it to connect at home? So I go home and start researching. I'm left even more confused. I guess it's easier to get one of those internet/wireless cards for PC laptops. I have a Macbook Pro and kept coming across this thing called "expresscard." Then I read that the 13" aren't equipped with an expresscard slot. Hmph! There has to be a way to get some kind of internet card/express card for the 13" now, right?!

All I want is some (cheap) way to connect to the internet. I just have one lil ol' laptop...what in the world am I going to do?!

Does anyone out there have any suggestions? I'm so lost!