Heh...don't let the title of this blog fool you. I'm not waiting or anticipating the way Mike Jones' Next to You song explains it.
I'm pretty excited because I've been asked to shoot pictures at this upcoming event. I can't go into too much detail but in about a week, you'll know why. Without revealing too much, this is kind of the first event where I'm invited as a photographer and not as a guest! It's something small, but still, I'm stoked!
I'm not getting paid, nor did I expect to. I'm just excited to practice and take pictures of people other than my neices or inanimate objects. So wish me luck and I hope I don't disappoint.
Happy Monday!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
3 days ago
I'm excited to see what your photoshoot is going to be of. I plugged your site on my blog..it's on the side under "Melody's Buddies' Blogs."